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Title:  The Mole!

Purpose: To learn about the mole (Avogadro's number) through an experimental analogy.


1. Were you surprised that all of the measurements in the last column of your data table came out nearly the same?  Explain why this happens.

2. If you had 1 bowl of B atoms, how many g would they weigh?

3. How many atoms of C are in 1 bowl of C atoms?

4. How many atoms of D are in 1 bowl of D atoms?

5. If you have 3 bowls of atom A, how many grams would they weigh?

6. If you have 3.5 bowls of atom B, how many grams would they weigh?

7. How many B atoms are in 3.5 bowls of B atoms?

Part II:


1. In this case, the circles in each drawing represent the number of protons and neutrons in each of the atoms.  List how many protons and how many neutrons each atom has according to what you see in the drawing and what you find on the periodic table.

2. Why do you think that the drawings do not include electrons?

3. Should the values in the last column (when filled in) be nearly the same?  Explain.

4. Get the value for the average of the last column (i.e. 1 Mole) from your instructor and finish filling in the table.

5. If you have 1 mole of H atoms, how many grams would they weigh?

6. How many atoms of He are in 1 mole of He?

7. If you have 3 moles of Li atoms, how much would they weigh?